We've all had those special moments when we're sitting in front of the TV, and as we watch a show, a thought crosses our mind that we haven't spoken to our mom in a few days and should give her a call. Just as we pick up our smartphone to dial, an incoming call from her appears on the screen.
You answer, and your mom says she was just thinking about you and decided to call. You tell her you were thinking the same thing, and you both laugh it off as a coincidence. But is it really just chance that you both thought of contacting each other simultaneously? Perhaps there's more to it than skeptics might claim. It could be that you and your mom were sharing an intuitive moment, a connection that prompted you both to reach for the phone at the same time.

Being able to predict when your mom will call doesn't make you the next "Long Island Medium" or "John Edward." However, recognizing that we are all intuitive and can perceive beyond the five traditional senses could enrich our lives in significant ways that only a few have started to understand.
A Brief Primer on Intuition

The term Intuition originates from the Latin verb intueri, meaning “consider,” or from the late Middle English word intuit, meaning “to contemplate.” Eastern Philosophy began exploring the idea of Intuition thousands of years ago. Intuitive reasoning is significant in the principles of world religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. In Western Philosophy, Plato was the first to address the study of human intuition in his work Republic, where he described it as a type of “pre-existing knowledge” within the “soul of eternity.” (This information is sourced from Wikipedia’s entry on “Intuition.”).
As a society, we have grappled with understanding how Human Intuition functions in our everyday lives, while skeptics attempt to dismiss the concept entirely. Ignoring Intuition is akin to driving with your eyes closed during heavy fog in rush hour traffic. Just as you would want to see everything around you in such traffic, you should consider relying on your Intuition to perceive and interpret all relevant aspects of your life from the broadest perspective possible.
The Benefits of Becoming More Intuitive
Déjà vu, hunches, the third eye, vibes, and psychic moments are often associated with experiences people attribute to their Intuition. As an abstract concept, Intuition is challenging to study quantitatively and cannot be easily reduced to basic observable data using methods like The Scientific Method.
As an Intuitive Psychic and Spiritual Medium, I frequently meet individuals who ask how they can enhance their Intuition. I typically advise that everyone possesses Intuition, which can be developed further at any time. To cultivate Intuition, one must be patient and approach it like a child learning to ride a bike for the first time. Both processes require a certain level of patience and understanding.

Just as you would not be able to compete in the Tour de France after learning to ride a bike, so you should not expect to become a Master-Level Intuitive Psychic after meditating for the first time. Becoming more intuitive bestows incredible mental health and physical health benefits, and it can serve to lower stress and increase endorphins throughout the brain.
Using one’s intuition is like learning to steer a ship on the open sea

Using one’s Intuition is like learning to steer a ship on the open sea, and just as you need to navigate a ship through open waters, so you must learn to develop confidence at interpreting information you receive intuitively from others. It is equally important that you can differentiate between intuitive facts and regular facts (or facts that you can observe through one of your five senses). The better you get at being able to differentiate intuitive facts from regular facts, the more inclined you will be to use your Intuition.
Practice, Practice, Practice
The more that you practice your intuitive skills, the better you will get at calling upon your Intuition when needed. Offer to provide intuitive guidance to assist members of your family, close friends, and others. Over time your skill set and confidence will improve and you will be well on your way of better developing your Intuition.
Five Keys to Improving Intuition Over Time

Five Keys to Improving Intuition over time include: Meditation, Keeping a Dream Journal, Recognizing Your Inner Hunches, Maintaining a Balanced and Healthy Diet, and Identifying Feelings of “Fight v. Flight” Associated with Intuitive Experiences. Each of these keys are explained in further depth below:
1. Meditation: The practice of meditation opens-up and aligns your physical and spiritual selves simultaneously. By controlling your breathing and slowing it down, and focusing your mind on specific mental exercises through meditation, you will strengthen your ability to become receptive to Intuition. Meditation acts like a bridge between your conscious and unconscious minds. Since part of your Intuition resides as a part of your unconscious mind, meditation can aid greatly with nourishing your Intuition.

2. Keep A Dream Journal: Maintaining a Dream Journal can aid one in gaining greater insight. Keeping a record of your dreams over time to determine whether any patterns exist within the themes of your dreams can bring you greater inspiration. You may also intuitively learn more about your relationships with others and connect with your deceased loved ones through potential “Visitation Dreams.” Our unconscious mind remains untapped as to the degree of information that it contains, and learning more about our dreams will enable us to decipher the many mysteries locked within our Intuition.

3. Pay Attention to Inner Hunches: Whether you have a nagging feeling that persists longer than usual, or when you feel like your Intuition is signaling for you to pay attention to something, Focus on your Inner Hunches. Respect whatever information your intuition attempts to relay to you. Over time you will learn to recognize whenever your Inner Hunches signal something important.
4. Better Nutrition for Stronger Intuition: You are what you eat, and the more nutritious and balanced your diet, the greater opportunity for improving your Intuition. A low carbohydrate, high protein, lean diet, filled with green leafy vegetables and fruits increases the chance for the development of greater Intuition. Feed your Spirit by nourishing your Body.

5. Recognize Feelings of “Fight v. Flight” Associated with Intuitive Experiences: Your Intuition bears a direct relationship to your physical body. Whenever you have an experience involving increased Intuition, pay close attention to any physiological changes that take place within your body such as having a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, or experiencing an increased heart rate, having adrenaline, or experiencing goose bumps. These subtle cues can alert you to an upcoming Intuitive experiences.

In today's Digital Age, where information is easily accessible with a mouse click or on your smartphone, we should aim to learn as much as we can about how to cultivate and apply Intuition in our daily lives. Although current technology cannot fully quantify Intuition, future advancements in technology and science may eventually allow us to better assess this phenomenon, potentially leading to a shift in our perspectives on the subject.